A Brief History of Crystal Lake Club, Inc.
     ... Is still available for free.  Click on the cover page on the right.

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Marina Signs

The Club sign at the Marina is showing it's age. The Board is working to replace the rotting wood sign.

Club Activities

The Board would like to hear about activities you would attend over the next year.  Please fill out the following survey.   It can be filled out for one person or a family.

Please select as many options as you would be interested in attending and/or suggest other events. 

Please guess on the number of attendees.  Use the "Other Event or Comments" section if you can be more specific for planning purposes.  You can also volunteer to help in the Comments section.

Paid at the clubhouse from 10-11 a.m.

A REMINDER: Use the CONTACT US pages for official communications with the Board.   Facebook is not an official contact method unless specifically mentioned for special events.


A Brief history of the Crystal Lake Club 

   ... is still available by clicking on the book icon. 

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CLC Board meeting, June 4, 6:00pm, Clubhouse 

 E.coli Results:

Thanks to the KY Lake Monitoring program, we have the first of three annual test results from the lake.   10 colonies per 100 ml.  This is a great result.   (0 = drinking water and 200= max recommended swimming pool)    and Oldham View

Lake and Pond Event

The Oldham County Soil and Water Conservation District put on a very good event this year at our Clubhouse.  The four-hour event focused on wetland and raparian plants but covered many aspects of lake and pond managment. 

Several vendors attended and a wide range of door prizes were awarded.  The Club's ticket won an ancient American Elm charcuterie board.  Feel free to use it.  


Given the amount of building going on in the County, this is a reminder to get CLC Board approval for any house, garage, shed, dock, wharf, or other items covered in the CLC Deed Restrictions to avoid any issues or construction delays.  It's fast and easy. 

You might notice that under the Club's "Documents & Business" tab there is a link to a "Builders Guide" page.  This page is intended to answer some of the common questions associated with building.   It will continue to be updated, but it is NOT a replacement for reading and understanding the Deed Restrictions and Bylaws. 

Silt Managment Contract Awarded

The Oldham County Fiscal Court awarded the 319(h) water quality "silt detention basin" project for North Fork Currys Creek this past week (4/16) .  It is for the design of new types of Q-Critical-based silt basins at the head of Crystal Lake.  A 2024 grant request to construct one basin as a result of this design project has been submitted to the State.  If approved, it would be a design example for the state and the Club would support evaluation and demonstration visits.  This is a very important project for the water quality and  longevity of our lake.